For our final we rendered all the things we textured during the month [except for week 1, which was a reminder of how to light things in Maya] into different passes. What I did was the stain in the front of the box, added the sticker, UV/Textured the scrapper, made the bottle look transparent and the "soda" look like soda from a jarrito [Mexican drink].Once we rendered the lights in Maya [warm light, cool light, key light] we broke them apart in Nuke and put them back together adding grades and color corrections. I have to admit I enjoyed Nuke a bit more than the hypershade in Maya because it is easier for me to understand. The sticker on the box gave me the biggest problem because the first time around it wouldn't show up and I didn't know why that was happening. Apparently I had some issues with it being a surface shader and not showing up. I managed to fix it later on for project 3. Here is my before and after picture for my scene, the one on bottom is the render straight from Maya and on the top is the one edited in Nuke with grades, color corrections. I also added a ramp and changed the colors to give it an instagram filter feeling. The darkest/shadows being dark blue and the lightest a light warm orange. We were asked to make a vignette which was to make the surrounding area fade to black. [The little confetti is from NukeX PLE version, who has the money to buy the real thing anyways.] I gotta say overall the caustics was pretty interesting to learn, The light coming from the bottle and the little ripples were interesting to make. Wish I could have worked faster to add in some spheres to give it its fizzy feel.
Here is also a picture of the sticker up close: [Drawn by Luisa Reyes a.k.a Gunmi]